Nov 28, · The master's thesis is an original piece of scholarship allowing the student to dig into a topic and produce an expanded document that demonstrates how their knowledge has grown throughout the degree blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Dec 17, · While the Master's thesis typically closes the university studies in Germany, it is considered 'graduate studies' in North America (the Bachelor is considered the 'university degree' and the majority of students join the workforce with it).Reviews: 10 Sample Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) Form Master’s Students. Number of signatures required for. master’s students = student’s adviser (at least one signature in theFile Size: KB
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Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I am enrolled in a Master's program Computational Science and Engineering in Germany and currently I am looking for a Master's Thesis abroad, preferably in the US or in Canada.
Unfortunately, I master thesis in not sure how to apply for a thesis and to be honest I am master thesis in around in a vicious circle. What I've done so far: My first step was to visit the international office at our university.
Additionally, I went to one of my professors who gave me a list of people that he has worked with in the past and which probably might have interesting topics available.
So actually his attempt to help was not of much use to me. My main concern is: How can I know what I want to do if I don't know what is being offered? My area of interests involves fields such as the numerical treatment of partial differential equations e. finite elements, solvers for hyperbolic problems However, if there is no disclosure of potential necessities for a master student I don't see a chance to describe my interests more specific than that.
On the other hand, I am afraid that my applications will be interpreted as "bulk letters" if I just write down everything that I would like to work with, master thesis in. But regarding the fact that I can have master thesis in most a slight insight into the respective topics and that Master thesis in don't even know if there is any need for further work at a master student's level I don't think it is reasonable to spend too much time with that without a gleam of any success.
I would appreciate if someone could help me with some hints on how to come across that. Master's have a different meaning in North-America than in Germany. While the Master's thesis typically closes the university studies in Germany, it is considered 'graduate studies' in North America the Bachelor is considered the 'university degree' and the majority of students join the workforce with it.
Masters are either specializations or given to graduate students who wish or have to stop graduate school before completing a PhD. That is the reason why you didn't find any offers for 'Master's theses' on institution websites there, master thesis in. You approach of asking a local faculty for contacts is probably your best shot, master thesis in, don't give up.
Narrow down to a few options and write them an email, explaining your skills, interests and field of study, master thesis in. Ask if they can think of a possible project for you. In your inquiries explain the requirements for a foreign Master thesis host at your university, master thesis in. Stress out the fact that you are merely asking for the right to use the local facilities and a co-supervision of your work.
In my case, a professor told me about a project he had in mind, and I expanded it in a short proposal that was accepted by the local faculty and my program. North-American professors have to worry about funding for their local Master students.
You have to make clear that you want to be a visiting student and thus you will most likely be able to waive tuition fees with some exceptions, like MIT. Along that line, explain that like Masters students in Germany, you will pay for your ramen noodles yourself and don't necessarily need a stipend if it can't be provided on that note, Canada and the USA require that you prove you have sufficient means to support yourself while on their territory, so start a piggy bank.
With this in mind, there are few reasons for a group leader abroad not to consider your project, since you might contribute to their research while not costing anything.
These few reasons include: too much supervision burden already, master thesis in. I recently applied for my final Master's thesis at institutions in the US and got accepted at the MIT. Without having a warm contact such a professor giving you an introduction to some former research collaborators abroad it is definitely a more challenging task.
In general what you want to do is to draft tailored messages to members of the faculty and show that you are interested in THEIR particular research AND why your could be valuable for him, master thesis in.
Identify potential advisors: Within the research group I looked for specific persons working on the topics. Usually, there is a staff website or a list of names on published papers, master thesis in. As professors are usually super busy, my main focus were PhD students or Post Docs, who usually are also the main authors of the papers.
Hand-craft an individual email: Faculty members at reputable universities get hundreds of emails every week from students all around the world wanting to collaborate. So the message really needs to be individual not a mass email and short quick to read. I tried to show that I familiarized myself with his specific research. Of course this is not an easy process and you might need a few tries to get a response. But if you convince them about the value you can create being a free research support is a good value proposition.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How to apply to do a masters thesis in the US or Canada when master thesis in don't post specific positions?
Ask Question. Asked 7 years ago. Active 2 years, master thesis in, 8 months ago. Viewed 18k times. thesis masters application united-states canada, master thesis in. Improve this question. edited Dec 18 master thesis in at ff k 49 49 gold badges silver badges bronze badges, master thesis in. asked Master thesis in 18 '14 at andreee andreee 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges.
I did part of my own Master's work in the US coming from Austria. In my case, I arranged to do a thesis with a professor at my university who then offered this possibility it may be worth noting master thesis in the topic of my thesis was really only decided upon after I came to the US.
That said, my current boss back in Austria does take unsolicited applications from abroad seriously also for prospective Master's students, and has invited applicants for interviews. scaaahu Besides personal interest there is no actual need for doing it there.
I want to broaden my cultural horizon and have the opportunity to see how research works in other countries. But doesn't that hold for almost every exchange activity? I mean, there is also no "need" for doing an exchange semester, still a lot of people do it. But I will think more about it, thank you. My two cents Re "broaden my cultural horizon", as a French student who has spent one year in the US albeit at the undergrad levelmaster thesis in, I haven't found it very different culturally.
My three months in Master thesis in have been much more instructive in that regard. in the US, when people enter graduate school i, master thesis in. It is true that in the US as a whole it is not necessarily decided, but in many US departmentstransferring from MS to PhD or vice versa is difficult to impossible. Show 5 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. edited Nov 18 '14 at answered Nov 18 '14 at Cape Code Cape Code Thank you very much for your answer!
I didn't know about this particular circumstance regarding the Master. I will try to consider the points you mentioned, especially in the last paragraph. Let me give it a first try before I mark the answer as accepted though.
I had an appointment with my professor last week and he gave me different options. So we discussed about pros and cons and eventually decided that he would write an email to a colleague in the US. The US professor almost immediately replied and seemed very willing to support me with my plans. He told us that he will start gathering information about organizational things that might need to be accomplished.
As by now we haven't talked about a specific topic, but as soon as I have more information I will post it here. andreee, is everything went well? let us know what happened after that? I am also in the same situation. Let me know master thesis in that works for you. Add a comment. In general my application approach was the following: Find a research area of interest: I identified a broad research area that I am passionate about and a few sub branches that would provide room for thesis topics.
Choose some preferred universities: For the first application round I chose different Universities in the US and UK. I was planning to do the following steps iteratively but got a positive response in the first round. Identify research groups: I browsed through the websites of the different chairs and research groups of the master thesis in universities to find out which group was working recently on topics in the research area of my interest.
Mainly the section of publications combined with Google Scholar and current projects they are working on were helpful here. Find a topic: Based on their research, I came up with rather broad topic. edited Mar 11 '19 at answered Mar 9 '19 at Patrick 2 Patrick 2 11 2 2 bronze badges.
Astroturfing is frowned upon here.
how I found Master Thesis in Germany
, time: 7:24Writing a Master's Thesis or Dissertation Proposal | Graduate Writing Resource

Quality thesis proposal writing help for students. The biggest part of your dissertation or thesis is the thesis proposal. This part requires the most attention from you, as basically it is the whole idea behind your dissertation, the basic point of it, and it defines all other parts of your dissertation observe all the procedures governing the preparation and submission of the thesis. The master's thesis provides the opportunity for students to acquire first-hand experience in research methods under competent direction. Writing a thesis is equivalent to six hours of credit, and must be indicated as such in the program of study Sample Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) Form Master’s Students. Number of signatures required for. master’s students = student’s adviser (at least one signature in theFile Size: KB
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