Saturday, November 27, 2021

Literature review service quality hotel

Literature review service quality hotel

literature review service quality hotel

Literature review in service quality. Order now. Before you can write a literature review, you must immerse thesis statement chronological order in a significant body of research. Maya Basant Lohani and Dr. Your literature review is much more than a routine assignment: it's a contribution to the future literature review in service quality your field.. Receive litetature best quote from our PDF | On Jan 1, , Mladen Mitrović and others published Hotel performance measurement: literature review | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Literature Review Service Quality Service quality is one of the most important factors for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage and customers’ confidence in the highly competitive marketplace, and therefore service quality can give the hospitality industry a great chance to create competitive differentiation for organizations. It is thus considered as a significant core concept and a

Evaluation of E-Service Quality in the Hotel Sector: A Systematic Literature Review | SpringerLink

Innovative Approaches to Tourism and Leisure pp Cite as. Background Delivering high quality e-services is a key strategy to achieve competitive advantage, due to its positive correlation with the increase of customers purchasing decisions.

Methods Four sources were used to locate all relevant and eligible studies: specific electronic databases; existing related bibliography and meta-analyses; reference lists of the research papers; and literature review service quality hotel search on indexes of journal articles in tourism industry.

The results Only 66 studies met the inclusion criteria and were selected as primary studies, with a total number of evaluating hotels. Only 32 studies included hotel customers as evaluators with previous online purchasing experience. Half of these indicated significant impacts of quality determinants on customer purchase intentions.

Finally, major differences were identified based on hotel type chain or independentsize number of beds and category. Hotel Chains and 4—5 stars hotels appeared to provide better e-marketing and customer relations strategies, greater level of technology and innovation application, greater value of entertainment and higher level of trust in their websites.

Conclusions The research evidence provides valid information for hotels directing them to improve their website design, which corresponds to customer service quality perceptions and has a major contribution on customer experience in sourcing information or making an online purchase. Skip to main content. This service is more advanced with JavaScript literature review service quality hotel. Advertisement Hide.

Evaluation of Literature review service quality hotel Quality in the Hotel Sector: A Systematic Literature Review. Authors Authors and affiliations Anna Kourtesopoulou John Kehagias Alkistis Papaioannou. Conference paper First Online: 30 December Keywords E-services Quality Hotels Evaluation Quality determinants Website. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

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Web quality dimension a review of literature. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 3 10— Ip, C. A review of website evaluation studies in the tourism and hospitality fields from to International Journal of Tourism Research, 13 3— Jarvenpaa, S, literature review service quality hotel.

Consumer trust in an Internet store, literature review service quality hotel. Information and Technology Management, 145— Kim, W. Comparison of web service quality between online travel agencies and online travel suppliers.

Kourtesopoulou, A. Law, R. Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26 5literature review service quality hotel, — Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: A review of publications from to Loiacono, E. WebQual, An instrument for consumer evaluation literature review service quality hotel websites.

International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 11, 51— Park, Y. Measuring web site quality for online travel agencies. Torres, R. Technology trends and the future of travel. Yoo, B. Developing a scale to measure the perceived quality of internet shopping sites SITEQUAL.

Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2 1 literature review service quality hotel, 31— Zeithaml, A. Service quality delivery through web sites: A critical review of extant knowledge. Journal of Academy Marketing Science, literature review service quality hotel, 30 2— A hybrid multi-criteria decision making model to evaluate hotel websites.

International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, — The internet and five-star hotels: A case study from the Antalya region in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 14 294— Evaluating the websites of Small-and-Medium-Sized Hotels SMHs in Malaysia. Proceedings of International Conference on E-Commerce20—22 OctoberKuching, Sarawak: Malaysia.

Examining e-relationship marketing features on hotel websites. The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions: Evidence from Chinese online visitors.

International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27 3— The website design and Internet site marketing practices of upscale and luxury hotels in Turkey. Tourism Management, 27, — The effect of website features in online relationship marketing: A case of online hotel booking. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14 4— Automatic website evaluations: The case of hotels in Hong Kong. A comparison between museum, hotel, and tourist sector sites in a country in Southeast Asia.

Jindal Journal of Business Research, 1 143— An importance performance analysis of smartphone applications for hotel chains. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 29, 69— Effectiveness of the hotel websites in Singapore: A perspective from Business-to-Business B2B organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 8 238— Developing a performance indicator for hotel websites. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22 1— Evaluation of the persuasive features of hotel chains websites: A latent class segmentation analysis.

International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, — Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11 3— Online relationship marketing by Singapore hotel websites. A study on the online sales efficiency of upscale and luxury hotels in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, literature review service quality hotel. In Advances in Hospitality and LeisureEmerald Group Publishing Limited, — Online distribution strategies and competition: Are the global hotel companies getting it right?

International Journal Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 4— Exploring developments in web based relationship marketing within the hotel industry. Virtual experience on hotel websites: A web analysis. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism pp. Berlin: Springer. Developing a content analysis evaluation approach for the examination of limited-service lodging properties. Developing and testing a global model to explain the adoption of websites by users in rural tourism accommodations.

International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, — How small regional accommodation providers view and respond to online intermediaries. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 17 4—

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Literature review in service quality

literature review service quality hotel

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