Feb 02, · After my hour clearing a little rubbish and one or two clumbs of over vigourous plants that were threatening to take over it began to rain sending me back indoors. As I looked out of the front window to survey my efforts I was delighted to spot a hedgehog that appeared and began to rumage about in the disturbed soil in search of worms and grubs Nov 07, · For his help with several Interiors in Seyda Neen and for his book: “Tale of the Devious Trader”. Original Text by Xeth-Ban. Book art by Lutemoth. Book cover by Connary. Book icon by JennaK. Alaisiagae and Rattfink (The latter for fixing a working cuirass) For “Morag Tong Armor” (+ Kiteflyer61 for getting the Morag Tong armor into an Jul 17, · Can you help me on what will be a good topic for my research paper about fast food chains or simply just food production. Thank you Your response will be a great help for me as a gr students from Philippines
Just what is going on with this Environment Bill that we are assured will give our rivers the same, or better, protection than the WFD? If we are to believe the "Somerset Anachronism", our rivers are safe in UK government hands. If that is the case the government had the perfect opportunity to illustrate this when the House of Lords wished to add an amendment to the bill to introduced a statutory obligation on the water companies to protect our rivers and coastal waters. The House of Lords amendment would have protected our rivers from water companies pumping untreated sewage into our rivers and coastal waters.
This is the current unchallenged policy of the water companies who discharge raw sewage, with all its pollutants, poisons and pathogens, into our rivers for millions of hours, on hundreds of thousands of occasions every year. This was deemed illegal by Europe in yet the water companies chose to ignore this as they knew the powers of Europe were on the wane. What did our government do when it had the opportunity to support the Lords amendment and wave it through as a formality?
We had the undignified fiasco of the Commons vote regarding the House of Lords amendment where the government put on a full whip to ensure it was defeated. The whips produced and circulated to the MPs a completely fictitious case for voting against.
The public outcry when the Party Line was dutifully followed brought about one of Bozo's now famous U turns and the promise from the Government to introduce their own amendment ensuring the water companies had a statutory obligation to reduce the practice.
We all understand the problems associated with heavy rainfall overwhelming the STWs and the legitimate use of the emergency EA discharge consent.
However this is viewed, it is an undesirable practice and we might legitimately expect the water companies to be investing in its infrastructure to eliminate the problem, help me with my rearch paper. We know it can't be achieved overnight and will take massive investment but it has to be undertaken.
Instead of which we have foreign investment companies taking multi-billion pound share dividends out of the companies and out of the country. England is alone in allowing the vital utility water companies to be privately owned and exploited. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all help me with my rearch paper not-for-profit-companies for the benefit of their users and the environment. After that lengthy preamble we come to the crux of the matter in that the government has at last published the amendment it intends to put before the House to place an obligation of the water companies to clean up their act.
With the vote only forty eight hours away the just published amendment that loosely claims to Secure a progressive reduction completely fails to achieve the obligation we require. Quite the reverse in fact, it works against the interests of our rivers and coastal waters as there appears to be no statutory time frame to achieve this reduction. There also doesn't seem to be any statutory obligation to reduce frequency or improve water quality. The fact is this gives the water help me with my rearch paper the right to continue as they are without restraint or penalty.
The simple answer is to vote for the House of Lords amendment that will simply provide the protection our rivers deserve. Is that government alternative proposal deliberate, to ease the way for their corporate friends and to hell with help me with my rearch paper environment? In their arrogance do they really believe they know best and simply do not need to hear the concerns of the river owners and users? Or is it through complete and bungling incompetence and stupidity?
Alas, I fear it is the former as I don't think anyone could be as stupid as to introduce such ineffective legislation without an ulterior motive. I have written to my MP asking he supports the environment on this next vote and not his party line but I don't think I'll be holding my breath!
I could make today's entry all about chopping up wind blown trees help me with my rearch paper clearing branches from roads and hatches. I've decided to spare you that ordeal as the sooner I forget todays mess the better.
I will just add that today's adventures started without a tree being involved when I had a call from Adam to let me know he had landed a good fish.
despite the torrential rain and awful squalls, as it was not too far from my location at the time, I told him to pop it in a tube and I'd be there in ten minutes. That was the easy bit. Had I not decided to zip out and do the shots I would have had to drop in at that location anyway, help me with my rearch paper, both Harbridge and Ellingham roads were blocked and on my eventual arrival the top of a willow came down and blocked the road that would have required my attendance to get Adam out.
To have had to visit to clear the road and not have seen Adam's super fish would have been a cruel twist of fate and removed the highlight of the day. My walk to check on water levels provided me the opportunity to think about the current debate about the pollution of our water courses and coastal waters. My thoughts were brought around to this line of thinking as I watched the confluence of two different streams of water. One was gin clear the other, reacting to the overnight rain, was cloudy with suspended soil and full of leaves and rubbish being flushed from the forest.
The initial thinking would have been that the coloured cloudy water was the polluted stream but knowing it came from the forest, with the minimum of human interference it was probably less of a problem environmentally than the clear water that contained the contaminants from the entire catchment, antibiotics, agricultural chemicals, highways run-off, endocrine disruptors, micro plastics, industrial estate drainage and town and city flood water.
This isn't a new problem, it was giving rise to a high level of concern when we founded the Wessex Salmon Association thirty years ago and Harry Plunket Greene wrote one of anglings greatest pieces of literature with the meeting of his bright waters many years earlier. There have been improvements such as the phosphate strippers that now are working to reduce the volume that enters the river. Unfortunately there have also been setbacks and any progress has been negated by the lack of progress on other fronts and the increased demands of our society.
Water companies are currently under scrutiny and quite rightly so, for the volume of untreated human sewage they are deliberately pumping into our rivers and coastal waters. Whilst this is undoubtedly true and definitely unsightly the visible element of this pollution, that so appals, is only the tip of the iceberg, help me with my rearch paper. The invisible, insidious poisons and drugs that are flushed into our rivers are potentially far more harmful and far more difficult to remove.
You can strain out panty liners and turds and tell everyone its a great job and safe to swim in but you can't catch disolved chemicals and micro plastics in a sieve, help me with my rearch paper. Perhaps little will change until we have accountability and the CEO's and Directors of those companies responsible face real personal deterrents.
If they wish to receive the obscene salaries we are now informed these help me with my rearch paper water company managers and directors receive they should also face the consequences of their actions. Responsibility for failure rests at the top, not hiding behind consultants and fustication, massive fines and the threat of a spell behind bars would I'm sure have an amazing ability to concentrate the mind!
I wouldn't just hold private companies to account, those mandarins that sit on high in their whitehall ivory towers, cutting funding and denying problems, would be similarly accountable. In the event of failure on their watch no golden handshakes and disappearing into obscurity on huge pensions, out on their ear with minimum payoffs. What an odd sort of day, not only the fact all our furniture and this computer have been out in the garden or in the garage as we put in new carpets, the political world has been abuzz with "U" turns and budgets.
The "U" turn is related to the Lords amendment to the Environment Bill that, we are now help me with my rearch paper by the Minister, will included beefed up obligations on the water companies to stop pumping untreated sewage into our rivers and coastal waters.
It appears they have been listening to the concerns that have been so eloquently expressed by Feargal and the public at large. The briefing the poor old MPs that had supported the government in voting out the amendment have now been told the information related to costs and implications for water bills was absolute bollocks, well there's a surprise when Bozo's at the helm!
It seems the cost of correcting the worst effending discharges would probably be in the range of four to fifty billion not the to billion those supporters of the government were warning us the public would be liable for. Those water bills that would rise by a grand would be more likely to rise by between twenty and fifty GBP. As for the budget, the good news for the environment is that help me with my rearch paper government departments that regulate our polluters are to get more funding.
Unfortunately the level of funding is unlikely to reach the levels of a decade ago when the hatchet job was done on the regulators, emasculating them to the extent they were unable to implement an acceptable level of control over our polluters. That brings us back to the Environment Act, in the event the regulators are unfit for purpose through lack of adequate investment, help me with my rearch paper, it doesn't matter how well written the legislation without enforcement its useless.
Close scrutiny of just what that beefed up obligation looks like when it finally get written into law may help me with my rearch paper prove interesting. Who will enforce it and how they are funded will prove to be far more interesting. Disappointed to see that New Forest West constituency MP, Sir Desmond Swayne, voted to allow the continued abuse of the Hampshire Avon, which runs from Downton to Ringwood through his constituency.
Sir Desmond saw fit to vote against the House of Lords amendment to the Environment Bill, to make the pumping of sewage into our river illegal. With the Environment Bill looking more and more like simple government lip service the future for our rivers looks increasingly bleak.
With the protection the EU Environment Commission afforded us no longer available, our regulators clearly unfit for purpose and an MP who doesn't give a toss and is going to toe the party line come what may, help me with my rearch paper, what future for the environment? I am often asked what species I most like fishing for, where are my favourite fisheries and what swims do I most enjoy fishing.
Easy part first and that's the fishery, help me with my rearch paper, without any question Somerley and that's why I'm here! As for species that's not quite so easy as a lot depends on just what you are trying to achieve and gain from your fishing. I see every walk of life and most aspects of angling at Somerley and my ambitions have tended to alter with time and exposure to the river and lakes. If its an adrenalin rush I'm seeking it would have to be a bright fresh Springer, there is nothing quite like that take and first run of our salmon.
Getting to that sudden rush of blood tends to be a case of hours of repetitious casting that can dull the senses. There is even a charm to that repetition in that you can lose yourself in your thoughts and your surroundings, making that sudden resistance even more of a shock heightening the excitement of the chase.
Casting can become an end in itself but that is a charm that has escaped me I fear. On the other extreme I love trotting for roach.
This delicate species is never going to provide the same adrenalin rush but it will test every angling skill in trying to keep the shoal in your swim whilst you dream of the possibility that a two pounder may be the one that takes your bait next trot down.
The problem is I don't think I have a favourite species, I would fish for bullheads in a bucket if that's all I had available. I enjoy carp fishing in all its various guises, apart I suppose from the war of attrition that multiple night sessions bring.
Carp off the top, or freelined in the margins, are as pleasant a way to catch fish on a summer evening as can be imagined. Perhaps a dry fly bobbing down a stream towards a wild brown, or grayling, help me with my rearch paper, can be as pleasant way to spend a summer day but there is little to separate the enjoyment. Barbel I'm afraid don't do it for me, they usually turn up half way down your roach trot and completely bugger up your swim as you waste half an hour trying to land it on your light roach gear.
There are plenty of anglers out there giving the barbel their full attention so I don't feel the need to add to their numbers, help me with my rearch paper.
Sitting for hours behind static rods is not my way, simply because I don't have the time. Similarly sight fishing for barbel holds no appeal as they are not at their best and the migration of carp tactics to the river makes their capture a matter of attrition once more. As the river takes on its autumn blue green colour and the weed disappears they hold more attraction as the traditional months to catch your barbel involve more water craft determining where they have moved to, to spend the colder months in the deep holes and slacks.
Pike, perch, help me with my rearch paper, chub, bream and even eels, all hold my attention at various times, or they would if I could only find a little more of that precious time, with all due acknowledgements to Lindsey Buckingham! Yet all have one thing in common, what ever the species the one thing they all bring to the party is that they allow me to become absorbed in a natural world where I try and achieve my objective by understanding the feeding and habitat requirements of my intended quarry for the day.
I imagine every piece of weed in my swim and every piece of gravel, silt and clay on the bottom. How my chosen species fits into that environment is the key to achieving my goal.
Of course I can add my seas fishing into that equation, be it a sunrise help me with my rearch paper a deserted shingle beach or mid channel over a wreck seeking Pollock and cod. There is always a further link to all my fishing and that is the element of escapism. The concentration and imagination of what's going on in those hidden depths wipes all other distractions from my mind. With the recent rains giving the river a lift I have been out walking the newly cleaned carriers and ditches to see how they are coping with the increased flows.
I'm delighted to say they are looking really well and dealing with the flows to date even better than I had hoped. It was good to see minnows, juvenile dace and chub have taken advantage of the extra water and travelled considerable distances into several of the channels, despite there being very little cover for them at the moment. I look forward to seeing them next season when the in channel weed and marginal grasses provide a complete habitat.
The river itself has seen the start of the Autumn clear out with weed and leaves being swept through the system. Leaves will be an ongoing problem for fishing for some time to come as the trees have hardly began to drop their foliage as yet. Hopefully once cleaned of the Summer detritus and Autumn leaves the Avon will settle into its true winter colour and provide the traditional sport the river is famed for.
The thought of the list of Avon species, in tip top condition, seeking my bait in those blue-green depths is the stuff of dreams and the Avon at its best.
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, time: 13:53Nov 07, · For his help with several Interiors in Seyda Neen and for his book: “Tale of the Devious Trader”. Original Text by Xeth-Ban. Book art by Lutemoth. Book cover by Connary. Book icon by JennaK. Alaisiagae and Rattfink (The latter for fixing a working cuirass) For “Morag Tong Armor” (+ Kiteflyer61 for getting the Morag Tong armor into an Jul 17, · Can you help me on what will be a good topic for my research paper about fast food chains or simply just food production. Thank you Your response will be a great help for me as a gr students from Philippines Feb 02, · After my hour clearing a little rubbish and one or two clumbs of over vigourous plants that were threatening to take over it began to rain sending me back indoors. As I looked out of the front window to survey my efforts I was delighted to spot a hedgehog that appeared and began to rumage about in the disturbed soil in search of worms and grubs
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