Oct 20, · Behavior that would be considered scientific misconduct could occur at all points in a research protocol. You could encounter different types of scientific research misconduct at different stages, right from the origination of different types of scientific studies itself to the publication of the results.. Common Types of Scientific Misconduct. Listed below are the top 10 transgressions that UCF Names Its Microgravity Research Center in Honor of Stephen W. Hawking UCF is one step closer to becoming the first American university to have a research center named after the late, world-renowned theoretical physicist Stephen W. Hawking.; New NSF-Funded Survey Aims to Understand Gender Inequity in STEM Fields What’s learned could help build a model to improve equity in higher education After years of working on her doctoral thesis through Westfield College, Hawking received her PhD in medieval Spanish poetry in April She felt compelled to obtain a PhD to have her own academic identity within Cambridge. Jane and Stephen Hawking separated in , and divorced five years later
Jane Hawking - Wikipedia
Views 40, Behavior that would be considered scientific misconduct could occur at all points in a research protocol. You could encounter different types of scientific research misconduct at different stages, right from the origination of different types of scientific studies itself to the publication of the results.
Listed below are the top 10 transgressions that peer reviewers and journal editors look for, incorporating content from both the World Association of Medical Editors WAMEand the US Office of Research Integrity :.
In terms of severity, any misconduct that damages the integrity of the research process, specifically the steps of the Scientific Method, is considered to be a greater transgression than any subsequent misconduct in the publication of research results. Obviously, falsification of data is a much larger transgression than excluding an eligible co-author. Related: Interested in knowing more about how scientific misconduct can affect you? Check out these posts today! However, since many of the instances of misconduct listed above can carry severe penaltiesincluding loss of licensure and imprisonment, every effort must be made to distinguish between honest human error and deliberate intent to defraud.
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Oct 08, · ^ Stephen Hawking's PhD thesis, explained simply. []. (原始內容存檔於) (英語). ^ White & Gribbin ,第71–72頁. ^ Ferguson ,第43–44頁. ^ Ferguson ,第47頁. ^ Larsen ,第xix頁. ^ Hawking, Stephen; Penrose, Roger. The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse Mar 25, · Enago Academy, the knowledge arm of Enago, offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources on academic research and scholarly publishing to all levels of scholarly professionals: students, researchers, editors, publishers, and academic societies Oct 20, · Behavior that would be considered scientific misconduct could occur at all points in a research protocol. You could encounter different types of scientific research misconduct at different stages, right from the origination of different types of scientific studies itself to the publication of the results.. Common Types of Scientific Misconduct. Listed below are the top 10 transgressions that
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